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What To Do When Your Storm Water Drains Get Blocked

The Gold Coast, with its beautiful beaches and bustling city life, is no stranger to the challenges of maintaining a robust drainage system. Blocked stormwater drains can lead to many problems, from environmental hazards to costly repairs. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of keeping these drains clear and how professional drain-cleaning services can be a big help.

The Importance of Keeping Your Stormwater Drains Clear

Maintaining clear stormwater drains is important for several reasons. Blocked drains can lead to water pooling, causing damage to properties and roads. Moreover, it can become a breeding ground for pests. Professional drain cleaning services have the expertise to unclog these drains, ensuring smooth water flow and preventing potential hazards.

Common Causes of Blocked Stormwater Drains

Here are some reasons why your stormwater drains might get blocked:

  • Accumulation of leaves and debris
  • Tree root intrusions
  • Waste that is disposed of incorrectly
  • Sediment build-up
  • Foreign objects


A professional drain cleaning service can effectively address and rectify these causes, ensuring your drains remain blockage-free.

Signs Your Stormwater Drain Might Be Blocked

It’s important to be vigilant and recognise the early indicators of a blocked drain. Here are some signs that your stormwater drain might be blocked:

  • Slowly draining water: If water takes longer than usual to drain, it’s a clear sign of a potential blockage.
  • Unpleasant odours: A foul smell can indicate trapped and decaying organic matter.
  • Gurgling sounds: This noise can be a result of air trapped in the pipes due to a blockage.

Preventative Measures for Stormwater Drain Blockages

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the chances of blockages. Here are some proactive steps you can take:

  • Regularly clean and inspect drains: Routine checks by professional drain cleaning services can help identify potential blockages before they become a significant issue.
  • Avoid disposing of oils and fats down the drain: These substances can solidify and cause blockages over time.
  • Trim tree branches near drains: This reduces the amount of leaves and twigs that might end up in the drains.

However, even with these preventative measures, blockages can still occur. This is where the expertise of a professional drain cleaning service becomes invaluable.

The Expertise Behind Professional Drain Cleaning

If your stormwater drain gets blocked, reaching out to a professional drain cleaning service is a wise decision. They come equipped with modern tools like drain cameras, which facilitate a thorough inspection and ensure that the root cause of the blockage is identified and rectified. Moreover, their years of experience empower them to handle even the most stubborn blockages, ensuring that your stormwater drains remain in peak condition.

The Cost of Neglect: Repair vs. Maintenance

Addressing a severely blocked drain can be costly, both in terms of repairs and potential property damage. Regular maintenance by professional drain cleaning services can prevent these issues, offering peace of mind and long-term savings.

Modern Technologies in Drain Cleaning

The field of drain cleaning has seen significant advancements, with professionals now utilising cutting-edge technologies to enhance efficiency and minimise disruption. These innovations not only detect the precise causes of stormwater drain blockages but also help in comprehensive cleaning. Among these technologies, one stands out:

CCTV Surveys: Through the use of CCTV cameras, professionals can inspect drains without any invasive digging. This allows them to accurately locate and address blockages, offering precise and effective solutions.

For homeowners facing blocked stormwater drains, these state-of-the-art technologies, coupled with the expertise of professional drain cleaning services, offer a prompt and reliable resolution.

Gold Coast Blocked Drains: Your Trusted Drain Cleaning Professionals

Living on the Gold Coast presents its own unique challenges when it comes to drainage. From the heavy rains to the dense vegetation, blocked drains can be a frequent issue. At Gold Coast Blocked Drains, we understand these challenges and are here to help. With our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we ensure your drains remain clear and functional. So, if you’re facing any drain-related issues or just want a routine check-up, don’t hesitate to get in touch via our contact page.